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The list of operations that can be carried out on suspended (arrested) accounts has been expanded

The Edict of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 29 April 2020 No. 150 “On expenditure operations” is aimed to improve the mechanism of relations upon suspension of operations on accounts and seizure of funds of legal entities and individuals.

According to the document, the list of operations that can be carried out on suspended (arrested) accounts is expanded: it is supplemented by payments to the employee upon dismissal, withheld from the salary upon written application of the employee (trade union contributions, loans, etc.), mandatory insurance contributions, contributions for professional retirement insurance.

The procedure for conducting expenditure operations in relation to new financial instruments (electronic money and electronic wallets, bank payment cards, instant payment system) has also been established.

The Edict was officially published in Russian on the National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus on 1 May 2020 and its main provisions will enter into force three months after its official publication.