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Belarus ratified the agreement with Ukraine on higher education

The Law of the Republic of Belarus as of 18 June 2013 № 34-3 "On the ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on cooperation in the field of the higher and postgraduate education" approves the ratification of the Agreement signed in Kiev as of 23 October 2012.

The Parties shall encourage learning and teaching of the Belarusian language and literature in the higher educational establishments, foster the exchange of students, professors and scientific personnel.

Belarus is agreed to send undergraduate students who completed least two courses at the university, as well as graduate students enrolled in Master's degree and doctoral students to study in higher educational establishments of Ukraine. As well as Ukraine shall send Ukrainian undergraduate and graduate students on the same conditions. The maximum number of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students in each school year on behalf of each party is limited to 10 persons with a training period of 5 months. The maximum number of scientific and pedagogical (educational) personnel and researchers in each academic year to participate in internships is limited to 10 persons with a term of probation of one month.

This Agreement as well regulates the conditions of scholarships and grants for such students and scientific personnel.