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New legislation concerning customs regulation entered into force

The Government of Belarus has determined, by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 27 May 2014 No 509 “On measures for implementation of the Law of the Republic of Belarus ‘On customs regulation in the Republic of Belarus’”, competence of customs offices in performing some functions imposed on customs bodes, effectuating certain customs operations, as well as regions of their activities. The Resolution has also approved Regulations on the order of submitting data of customs statistics of the foreign trade of the Republic of Belarus and statistics of mutual trade of the Republic of Belarus with states – members of the Customs Union to interested persons, Regulations on the order of checking (verification) of certificates of origin of goods and declarations on origin of goods, Regulations on strategy and tactics of application of the risk management system, Regulations on the order of using vessels and aircraft of customs bodies for the purposes of customs control; Regulations on the order of taking samples and specimens of goods for holding customs examination, Regulation on the order of carrying out customs escort.

The Resolution was officially published on the National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus on 4 June 2014 and has entered into force after its official publication.