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Kochanova: Belarus-Kyrgyzstan inter-parliamentary contacts are reaching a new level

MINSK ( BelTA) – Inter-parliamentary cooperation between Belarus and Kyrgyzstan is approaching a new milestone, Chairperson of the Council of the Republic Natalya Kochanova said during a meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kyrgyzstan to Belarus Ermek Ibraimov, BelTA has learned.

“Our inter-parliamentary cooperation is advancing to a new level. This is very gratifying and we are looking forward to the visit of our colleagues in early October. The official visit of the parliamentary delegation led by the chairman has already been confirmed. We plan to participate in the meeting of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly Council in Bishkek on 16-17 November,” said Natalya Kochanova.

The speaker emphasized that in today's conditions, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan need to stick together more than ever. “This is very important for us, and the president of our country said this more than once in connection with the developments in Ukraine and around our country. You see this frenzy, the military buildup of the NATO bloc. It is very important for us to be united in defending our interests, the interests of our countries, because interference in the internal affairs of countries is unacceptable. We adhere to a peaceful policy,” the chair of the Council of the Republic stated.

“Our interaction in such integration structures as the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly and the CSTO is very important. We appreciate your support. We want to become full members of the SCO and hope that this will happen in the near future,” added Natalya Kochanova.