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Lukashenko sets task for Belarusian industry

ORSHA ( BelTA) – Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko was shown Belarusian-made axes during his working trip to Orsha on 29 May. Earlier, the head of state gave instructions to launch the production of such goods that would not be inferior to the best foreign analogs.

Aleksandr Lukashenko examined the axes and promised to try them out. He set a tough task for the country’s industry – to launch the production of such instruments to work with wood within a year.

“It is a shame to have more than a half [of the country's territory] covered in forests and continuing imports. One more instruction for him. He [Deputy Prime Minister Piotr Parkhomchik, who supervises industry] should address all the issues related to the sector. If they cannot produce something for a chainsaw, we will buy it at the first stages. He should address the issue within a year. We should not import such things,” the head of state said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko instructed the State Control Committee to look into the matter, since millions of US dollars are spent to purchase such products every year.