/ / About the Databank

About the "Business" Databank

The Business Databank contains the business, foreign trade and investment policy legislation of the Republic of Belarus. This databank has been created under the initiative of the President of Belarus – A.G. Lukashenko and under the instruction of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

The goals of this databank are to create favorable conditions for the further development of entrepreneurial activity in the Republic of Belarus and to inform businessmen, investors and other natural and legal persons interested in conducting business, foreign trade, investing and other economic activities in Belarus.

The Business Databank includes main legal acts of the Republic of Belarus regulating matters of investment policy and business and foreign trade conduct (the legal acts are grouped according to subjects and in accordance with their kinds).

The Business Databank can be found on the National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus free of charge. More detailed information about Belarusian legislation may be found at the National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus: pravo.by (in Russian) and law.by (in English).